Q: You and Gollito have just released another awesome freestyle video on the internet. Where and when did you film this?
"I went on a trip to Egypt with Gollito 4 weeks ago. We did some photos and I filmed a little bit. After 2-3 days i realised that the footage is quite good and i decided to film more and do this clip. We spent around 10 days in Soma Bay and 6 days in Dahab."
Q: Conditions looked amazing, was it really that good?
"I been to Dahab loads of times already, so i knew it was going to be good there, but Soma Bay was something new for me. I really liked it there. Also Gollito had lots of fun. For him it was the first time ever in Egypt and i bet it wont be the last time."
Q: Do you and Gollito normally train together?
"Yes we do. We spent lots of time together in El Yaque. Besides sailing together we also work together on photo and video projects. It is always funny hanging around with Gollito."
Q: The moves in 2 for 10 shocked the freestyle world, was it hard for you to raise the bar again?
"Well, i really enjoy filming and try to push Gollito to do different and new moves. I think we are a good team. He's such a talented sailor, so every movie we'll be able present something new!"
Q: Have you considered making a full length freestyle movie?
"I am always trying to find new projects. Me and my Partner Sebastian Dorr, who's in charge of the cutting, has already made Wet and Salty, and Flashback. But i guess the time for printed DVDs is almost over. The amount of time and money you have to invest is just not worth it. Then when you see your best friends burning your own DVD, or some DVD seller on the Beach try to sell you a Copy of Wet and Salty for 2 Euros, it's pretty frustrating. My plan is to concentrate (besides my windsurfing) on Videos for internet release. This way everybody gets to see them, and my sponsors get more exposure. The next release is planned for August, it will feature Gollito, Victor and Me in Pozo and Fuerte. It's gonna be a good one, for sure!"
Q: You seem to invent new moves all the time, do you think freestyle will continue to progress at this rate, or will it start to level off?
"I think the level will continue to rise. Maybe we will not see so many new moves, but we will see sailors doing moves faster, higher, and more consistently. All the young kids are really talented and motivated, so I'm sure we'll see impressive things in the future."
PWA / Andrew Buchanan http://www.pwaworldtour.com/index.php?id=29